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VicHealth is a statutory authority in the Australian government. With the launch of Australian Women’s Football League, VicHealth wanted a campaign that celebrated women in sport, while encouraging the public to keep striving towards equality. (All with a production budget of $20k.)

There is enormous gender inequality in Australian sports.

Using prosthetics, we aged well known athletes to the age they might be when they finally have equality in sport.

We teamed up with three notable female athletes to ask how long until there is true equality in sport. We wanted to show them on makeup chairs, at first you think they might be getting their make-up done - but there is a twist. We worked with a film and TV prosthetics company to age our 3 athletes over the course of 5 hours, until they looked like senior citizens. We created a slew of :6, :15, and :30 social videos that allowed VicHealth to add their own voice to the conversation.